1. Spectrum Analyzer: The spectrum analyzer is used to measure the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument.
2. Network Analyzer: Network analyzers are used to measure the s-parameters of devices such as amplifiers, mixers, and filters.
3. Vector Signal Analyzer: A vector signal analyzer is a tool used to analyze the modulation quality of complex RF signals.
4. Signal Generator: Signal generators are used to create electronic signals in various waveforms for testing and calibrating equipment.
5. Power Meter: A power meter is used to measure the power level of an RF signal.
6. Antenna Analyzer: An antenna analyzer is a special instrument for analyzing the performance of antennas and antenna systems.
7. Frequency Counter: A frequency counter is an electronic instrument that measures the frequency of a periodic signal.
8. RF Field Strength Meter: An RF field strength meter is used to measure the strength of an RF field in a given location.
9. Oscilloscope: An oscilloscope is a tool used to observe the change of an electrical signal over time.
10. Near-Field Scanner: Near-field scanners are used to analyze the radiation pattern and performance of antennas in the near-field region.